How much rent can you expect to pay for a property in Glastonbury?
A quick look at the data for the 6 months to 31st July 2023 gives us the answer:
•1 Bedroom ~ £725 PCM
•2 Bedrooms ~ £800 PCM
•3 Bedrooms ~ £1250 PCM
•4 Bedrooms ~ £1500 PCM
How much rent can you expect to pay for a property in Glastonbury?
A quick look at the data for the 6 months to 31st July 2023 gives us the answer:
•1 Bedroom ~ £725 PCM
•2 Bedrooms ~ £800 PCM
•3 Bedrooms ~ £1250 PCM
•4 Bedrooms ~ £1500 PCM
How much rent can you expect to pay for a property in Glastonbury?
A quick look at the data for the 6 months to 30th June 2023 gives us the answer:
•1 Bedroom ~ £675 PCM
•2 Bedrooms ~ £900 PCM
•3 Bedrooms ~ £1312 PCM
•4 Bedrooms ~ £1400 PCM
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